Onderstaande songtekst is gebaseerd op een verhaal dat ik lang geleden,
uiteraard in het Nederlands, geschreven heb en dat u hier kunt nalezen. Omdat ik de mening toegedaan ben dat er een songtekst in dat
verhaal geborgen zit en omdat ik niet zo meteen iemand ken die deze lyrics
voor mij zou willen schrijven, heb ik die, met veel hulp van de merkwaardige
vertaaldienst van Google, zelf gemaakt. ‘k Weet ‘t, het is verre van perfect, er
staat een hoop haar op dat Engels, er moet aan gesleuteld & geschaafd
worden, maar misschien kan ik dat samen doen met de mens die zich geroepen
voelt er zijn/haar muziek bij te bedenken. Folk, rock, blues, fado… who cares?!
Zodat een jongensdroom van mij op de valreep mijner leven in vervulling mag
gaan: een lied waarvan gezegd wordt: lyrics: Flor Vandekerckhove. Aaaaah!
Oh, all tobacco shops were closed
The year the law forbade to smoke
‘t Was hard to find a cigarette
‘Cause smokes were worth their weight
in gold
Smokes were worth their weight in gold
All the cops were hunting smokers
— Recognized by their stinking breath
Their ugly clothes and ugly cough —
‘Cause cigarettes were scarce like
Cigarettes were scarce like gold
His dealer sold him heavy stuff
The kind you’d like so much to puff
Van Nelle, widow, Dutch and old
Was needed to be paid in gold
Was needed to be paid in gold
To the graveyard he then quickly went
To put a lighter to his fag
He deep inhaled and tasted smoke
Indeed ‘t was worth it’s weight in
Indeed, ‘t was worth it’s weight in gold
From his ugly lungs the smoke then went
Went through his veins into his brain
Where the stuff so truly good
Prevented him from getting old
Prevented him from getting old
In his chest he felt a pain
Went down on the graveyard ground
The fag fell down, out of his mouth
Straight in the dirty shirt he wore
Straight in the dirty shirt he wore
He was not able to react
And so his nylon shirt caught fire
All his strength was almost gone
Together with the fag worth gold
Together with the fag worth gold
The rest of his remaining strength
Led him to an open grave
Where his body caught on fire
And perished in a bluddy smoke
And perished in a bluddy smoke
His wife went out to find her man
So did his child and the police
The cops say’d he was a wanted man
Reward, they said, would be paid in
Reward, they said, would be paid in gold
But no one found the vanished man
He had completely disappeared
And the cops us'd the reward
To buy tobacco with that gold
To buy tobacco with that gold
To buy tobacco with that gold
To buy tobacco with that gold
To buy tobacco with that gold
To buy tobacco with that gold
© Flor Vandekerckhove
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